(Implementation of Active, Creative, Effective, Fun Learning in Improving Supervision Quality)


  • Baharuddin Latong Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Sidrap, Sulawesi Selatan



PAKEM, Academic supervision


This research was motivated by the teacher's lack of understanding of techniques and how to integrate national character building in teaching and learning activities, especially at SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang. In this School Action Research (PTS), the writer tries to propose actions so that teachers apply the PAKEM approach in teaching and learning activities as an effort to instill the values ​​of national character building. The specific objectives of this PTS activity are to: a) Increase the understanding of teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang in developing PAKEM; b) Improve the skills of teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang in developing PAKEM; and, 3) Increasing the implementation of the value of national character building in teaching and learning activities. While the general purpose of this school action research activity is to determine the integration model of the application of National Character Education in teaching and learning activities at SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang. The conclusions obtained from this PTS activity were 1) The PAKEM implementation guidance activities for SMP Negeri 2 Panca Lautang teachers were carried out well and contributed to the improvement of teachers' understanding and skills regarding the application of the PAKEM approach in teaching and learning activities. 2) The results of the analysis show that increasing teacher understanding and skills regarding the application of PAKEM in teaching and learning activities has implications for increasing student participation or activity as well as for the implementation of the values ​​of national character development, such as the value of hard work, cooperation, mutual respect and so on can be achieved.


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How to Cite

Latong, B. (2020). PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN AKTIF, KREATIF, EFEKTIF, MENYENANGKAN (PAKEM) DALAM MENINGKATKAN PELAKSANAAN SUPERVISI AKADEMIK OLEH PENGAWAS DI SMP NEGERI 2 PANCA LAUTANG: (Implementation of Active, Creative, Effective, Fun Learning in Improving Supervision Quality). Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences, 1(3), 49–60.