(Evaluation of the Madrasah Supervisor Academic Supervision Program in an Effort to Improve the Professional Competence of Madrasah Teachers)
Evaluation, Academic Supervision, Teacher Professional CompetencyAbstract
This study aims to examine more deeply the context, input, process, and product of the evaluation of the madrasah supervisor's academic supervision program to improve the professional competence of Madrasah Aliyah Foster teachers in Makassar City. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative research method using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model. The research results show that; The madrasah academic supervision program is meaningful in coaching, monitoring, and evaluating teacher performance. Based on the context component, academic supervision has been able to analyze teacher needs in developing teacher professionalism. In the input component of the academic supervision program, the madrasa supervisor is able to provide recommendations for fulfilling the availability of human resources for madrasa supervisors in terms of competency and the ideal number, of professional teachers and standard educational facilities. Process evaluation carried out on the implementation of the program in accordance with the procedural impact on coaching and mentoring for school principals and teachers. Based on product components, the success of the academic supervision program that provides coaching and guidance positively impact teachers in carrying out their duties so that they are successful. However, based on the feasibility interpretation, the supervision program has not been able to fully improve the professional competence of teachers. Thus, academic supervisory supervision is still needed to assess teacher performance and efforts to improve teacher professional competence. Another influence of the academic supervision program that was carried out was that it was able to lead teachers to bring a culture of professionalism at work by documenting all educational activities within their respective work unit environments so that the implementation of this academic supervision program towards increasing the professional competence of madrasa teachers is still an advantage in terms of product
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