(Human Resources Mapping Analysis in The Framework of Integrity Zone (Zi) Development Towards Corruption-Free Area)
Human Resources Integrity Zone, Corruption Free Area, Clean Serving Bureaucracy AreaAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Mapping of Human Resources in the Context of the Development of Integrity Zones (ZI) towards Corruption-Free Areas (WBK) and Clean Service Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) at the Ambon Religious Education and Training Center. While the research method used in this paper is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The research results show that; Law Number 30 of 2014, actually building an integrity zone based on the general principles of good governance, in the context of service to the community, is an obligation inherent to each individual ASN, especially at the Makassar Religious Education and Training Center, not just an appeal. As for the WBK/WBBM predicate itself, it should be interpreted solely as a means or tool, to measure the extent to which the general principles of good governance have been implemented by government offices. The embedding of the WBK/WBBM predicate in government offices can be interpreted as a reward or recognition, especially in this case by the PANRB Ministry as the supervisor, for government agency units that have succeeded in realizing good governance, by presenting and embodying the general principles of good governance, in carrying out their daily duties, to provide the best service to the community
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